Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Student Teaching • The Saga Continues

Two days down, an interminable number left to go. I am exhausted. I am flabbergasted. I am living moment to moment. So much is said every single day. There is so much to remember, so much to think about, so much to say.

The first day I went hoarse from talking too much and thought I was going to pass out.

Today, I was getting a little faint after second hour (AFTER SECOND HOUR) and ate an apple to cool the nerves (which helped). Forcing myself to eat is very helpful. Oh, I have been drinking SO much water (from talking) that I have to go to the restroom constantly. The restroom is upstairs, and you get 5 minutes between classes to run through the literal herd of teenagers to use the bathroom. Then get back in time and collect your thoughts enough to actually say something meaningful to the kids.

If you do not know anything about modernism, giving a 50 minute presentation on modernism is not your best bet.

Someone threw a paper Chinese Star at the board today while I was talking. I did not see who so I just picked it up and went in the direction it came and gave my best scowl: "WHO... THREW....THIS" I asked . . . and waited until I could see them sweat.

There is one girl in my 11th grade class who acts like everything (EVERYTHING) that happens is the BIGGEST DEAL EVER. She sighs and groans and mopes and says "GOD!" and "UGH!" to just about everything. Seriously, wow.

It is past 5pm and I really don't want to think about this anymore, so sayonara.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I checked your blog.... exhaustion... overwhelmed...flabbergasted ... welcome to teaching... but in the end, oh so rewarding. Find your groove and it's all downhill from there. totally miss you guys already - Patrick
